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Chapter 53 - Cauliflower Cheese - Knees

Richard Digance

I came to Denbigh Road when I was one day old. My mum came with me as I was too young to be given a key.

Cauliflower yes and cheese yes, but I don’t think they ever thought about mixing the two together in the late 19th Century. I doubt if there were too many vegetarians around back then either, I don’t remember when they sneaked onto our shores but it was they who popularised the somewhat strange yet highly scrumptious blend of complete wrongness, a bit like putting lumps of pineapple on top of a pizza for some strange reason. I have a feeling that vegetarians are confused when seeing a cauliflower on the dinner table because they look very much like curled-up sheep, an odd sight for those who don’t eat lamb.

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